The Sports Premium is a crucial funding initiative designed to enhance the quality of Physical Education, School Sport, and Physical Activity (PESSPA) in primary schools. It is essential that this grant is used effectively and tailored to the specific needs of the school.
The Education Inspection Framework emphasizes the importance of school leaders and governors understanding their roles in enhancing school effectiveness. Ofsted inspectors assess the Quality of Education through three key aspects:
- Intent: Curriculum design, coverage, and appropriateness
- Implementation: Curriculum delivery, teaching (pedagogy), and assessment
- Impact: Attainment and progress
To facilitate a common understanding, this template aligns with these three aspects, ensuring that school plans are easily transferable between documents.
Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PESSPA. This involves:
- Developing or adding to the PESSPA activities already offered
- Building capacity and capability to ensure future pupils benefit from current improvements
The Primary PE and sport premium should not be used for capital projects, which should be funded through the school’s budget.