A Parents' Guide to Attendance
At Mount Pleasant Schools, we work hard to build effective home school links and believe that working in partnership is vital. Sometimes absence from school is unavoidable: everyone gets ill. By working together we can ensure that absence is kept to a minimum and your child is happy and learning in school.
This information is designed to help parents understand aspects of school attendance, including the systems for reporting absence and the expectations for school attendance, including the consequences and implications of persistent absence and the rewards of good attendance.
Gates open at 08:40
Register opens at 08:50
Breaktime starts at 10:30 and finishes at 10:45
Lunchtime starts for Reception at 12:00 and finishes at 13:00
Lunchtime starts at 12:15 for Y1 & Y2 and finishes at 13:00
School finishes at 15:10
The table below describes how we catergorise attendance:
School Attendance Matters!
As a parent or carer it is your lawful duty to ensure that your child regularly attends school. Failing to ensure that your child attends regularly has a number of serious consequences, most importantly:
- Your child may not learn enough to succeed in life
- Your child may struggle to build and maintain friendships
- You could face legal proceedings and criminal prosecution