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School Charges

School Dinners

All children in YR, Y1 & Y2 receive Universal Free School Dinners.

Our delicious lunches are supplied by City Catering. If your child needs a special menu created please click on the special diets link.

Special Diets Portal

After School Clubs

Our clubs are run by an outside agency Superstar Sports.

Superstar Sports is a family run organisation that is dedicated to inspiring young individuals to gain a love of sport whilst allowing them to become the best they can be.

All payments need to be made directly to Superstar Sports through their webpage. Please follow the link below to make a payment for After School Clubs.

Superstar Sports

School Trips

Mount Pleasant Infant School reserves the right to invite voluntary contributions for activities\trips organised by the school and we will make clear to parents, from the onset, whether the activity is dependent upon parental contributions to go ahead.

There may be cases where, if we do not receive sufficient voluntary contributions, it is possible that we may cancel a trip.

If, however, we decide that a trip can go ahead, every child who would like to attend will be allowed to do so and information relating to which parents have contributed and which have not will remain confidential.

Parental contributions will not subsidise children whose parents have not made a contribution, these costs will be met from school funds.

When we contact parents about an optional extra activity we will ensure that parents on low incomes and in receipt of qualifying benefits are clear about what steps to take if they require support with the invited financial contribution.

As a school, we are committed to:

  • Giving parents as much advance warning as possible for any activities when we will be inviting a voluntary contribution towards the cost.
  • Offering, wherever possible, a payment plan so that parents can pay their contribution by instalments which should also support parents with more than one child so that they can then spread the cost.
  • Providing the best value for money possible.
  • Providing transparent information to parents about costs.